Bringing peace of mind
to customers of
B2B SaaS companies

Hi 👋 I’m Hector and I can help you cut off the drama of marketing-sales departments and develop a scalable approach to generating revenue. 

(Yes, I like playing devil’s advocate)

You want growth?
Remove the complexity of your sales cycle

15% Increase In Monthly Active Users and product adoption.

200% increase in product-qualified leads.

35% increase in trial-to-paid conversion

70% increase in trial signups.

How can Revenue Operations + Customer-Led Growth can help you with

Customer Retention User Activation Shorter Sales Cycles User Onboarding Lead Generation

Fighting the good fight

it’s not about the tactics it’s more about the process

If you want to achieve sustainable revenue generation you need to stop thinking on short-term actions and start building a systematic approach that guides the entire revenue generation strategy.

In this context, the RevOps process aims to build the platform and align the people involved in your revenue streams. (tactics)

CLG is the ultimate framework that helps you understand your customers, why they buy from you and how you can replicate its effect, on scale. (strategy)

While tactics certainly play a role in day-to-day operations, they are most effective when they align with and contribute to the overall process.

In the end, the only way your RevOps initiatve can fix the mess is if you frame it in a strategic vision led by knowledge of your best clients (Customer-Led Growth).

Get a sample plan to
implement a RevOps process in HubSpot

Includes frameworks, reports and how-to videos.

FAQs about RevOps

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is an integrated approach that brings together marketing, sales, and customer success operations to drive revenue growth through streamlined processes, aligned strategies, and unified data analytics.

While sales operations focus primarily on the sales department, RevOps provides a holistic approach, encompassing marketing, sales, and customer service. Its main objective is to create a seamless customer journey from awareness to retention.

The main components include strategy alignment across departments, process optimization, technology and tools integration, and unified data and analytics.

A typical RevOps team might consist of members from sales operations, marketing analytics, customer success operations, and sometimes even IT professionals for tech integrations.

Technology plays a pivotal role in RevOps, ensuring that different tools used by sales, marketing, and customer service are integrated, allowing for streamlined operations and a single source of truth in data analytics.

Data provides insights into the effectiveness of strategies across all departments. With unified data analytics, businesses can make more informed decisions, find bottlenecks, and uncover growth opportunities.

By aligning the efforts of marketing, sales, and customer service, RevOps ensures a consistent and seamless customer journey, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Absolutely! While the scale might differ, the principles of alignment, process efficiency, and data-driven decision-making apply to businesses of all sizes.

Start by assessing current operations and identifying misalignments or inefficiencies. Engage stakeholders from all relevant departments, determine shared objectives, and then streamline processes and integrate tools. Continuous measurement and refinement are key to a successful RevOps implementation.